Welcome to the Sunalta School Council & Society!
If you have a child attending Sunalta School, you are a part of the School Council. You have a voice and a vote on important matters that affect our children and the school.
Parents and community members are important partners in public education. Through School Councils, our partners can make significant and meaningful contributions to the learning opportunities provided to CBE students.
One of the most important ways parents/guardians and community members can make a meaningful impact for students is by participating on the School Council. Under the School Act, a School Council is a collective association designed to advise the Principal and the CBE Board of Trustees on matters related to the school. It is mandatory for every CBE school to have a School Council and the Council has legislated advisory and decision-making authority.
A School Council provides parents, staff and the community the opportunity and the means to advise and engage with the Principal and the Calgary Board of Education on directions and initiatives which lead to improved learning opportunities for students. Attending School Council meetings will give you the opportunity to meet and collaborate with our Principal, our amazing teachers, and parents. We discuss what’s going on in the school, and share our ideas on how to improve overall learning. It’s a great way to be involved and connected.
2024-2025 - Meeting Dates
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 at 6:00 pm - Drumheller Informational Meeting with Grade 4 parents, followed directly by School Council meeting
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Tuesday, May 13th, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Members and the school community participate in School Council meetings, generally 2 hours once per month, alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the school library. Childcare is provided, as well as coffee and treats!
Programs We Support
The School Council / Parent Society offers special programs at Sunalta by providing funding, leadership and resources in collaboration with the school.These programs include:
Residencies - Quest Theater, Robotics + more.
Enrichment: Tennis, Swimming, In-Line Skating, Telus Spark, Camp Chief Hector, Royal Tyrrell Museum, + more
Classroom Supplies, Agendas, Library Books + more
Music & Physical Education Equipment
Technology - Smart boards, Computers, Software, Tablets
Curriculum Enhancements as recommended by the Sunalta Staff

School Council Board 2024/2025
Chair: Stacey Selley - SunaltaChair@gmail.com
VIce-Chair: Dana Riley - SunaltaVice@gmail.com
Secretary: Sarah Duff - SunaltaSecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer: Nigel Lalande - SunaltaFinance@gmail.com
Key Council Position Holders:
CBE Key Communicator: Farrah Sunderji Alimohd - SunaltaKeyCBE@gmail.com
Social Coordinator: Kristi Nelson, Lindsey Starko & Emily Gillis - SunaltaSocialCoordinator@gmail.com
Library Coordinator: Amanda Kuchma - SunaltaLibrary@gmail.com
Charity Coordinator: Lindsey Starko & Emily Gillis - SunaltaCharity@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator: Rizza Pandya - SunaltaVolunteerCoordinator@gmail.com
Think-A-Thon Coordinator: Lesleigh Russell - SunaltaThink@gmail.com
Extracurricular Coordinator: Desirae Robertson - SunaltaExtra@gmail.com
Fun Lunch Coordinator: Kerstin Arends - SunaltaFunLunch@gmail.com
Grade 6 Grad Coordinator: Kristi Nelson
Society Board 2024-2025
President: Katrina Edgerton-McGhan
Treasurer: Nigel Lalande
Secretary: Sarah Duff
Director: Stacey Selley